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Un Manuscrito y 24 huídas. 2020
A Manuscript and Twenty-Four Getaways. 2020


Un manuscrito y 24 huídas es un libro dentro de un libro. Un juego incierto y engañoso, a semejanza de lo que hace la censura, que adormece y mutila. Estrategias o actos de simulación y eliminación de textos, ideas e imágenes, que abren otros en paralelo. Autocensuras difíciles de discernir, pero no de ejecutar. Nuestra historia hablará de alguien que quiere ser…y las páginas que aquí se citan son su medicamento, su fraude, su libertad, su soledad y otra vez la oportunidad de fracasar.

No hay nada permanente ni fijo, como no hay nada verdadero. No hay ‘yo’, y ese concepto permite borrarnos, quemarnos, tacharnos; determinar nuestros conocimientos y volver a censurarlos o extinguirlos. La cadena se multiplica. Aspirar a nuestra introspección nos llevará a experimentar la libertad de organizar actos y pensar en una línea continua de ideas, tanteando otras.

En el agua lo encontramos todo, buscamos en una cuadrícula los sonidos de un ciego que palpa su mundo. Descubriendo otra red oculta que no acostumbramos a ver.
Así son las palabras, no somos tan ingenuos para entender que la sangre salvará el mundo.Tan sólo lo lava.


A Manuscript and Twenty-Four Getaways is a book within a book. It plays an uncertain, deceptive game, similar to what censorship does, numbing and mutilating. Strategies or acts of simulation and deletions of texts, ideas and images, which open up others parallel to them. Self-censorship is difficult to spot, but not to do. Our story will talk about someone who wants to be... and the pages cited here are this person’s medicine, their fraud, their freedom, their solitude and their chance to fail once again.

There is nothing permanent or fixed, just as there is nothing true. There is no 'I', and this concept enables us to erase ourselves, to burn ourselves, to delete ourselves; to determine what we know and to censor or extinguish it again. The chain spreads. Aspiring to introspection will lead us to experience the freedom of organising events and thinking of a continuous line of ideas while testing others.

We find everything in water; we search for the sounds of a blind person touching their world in a grid.
Discovering another hidden network that we do not usually see.
That is what words are like: we are not so naive as to think that blood will save the world. It merely washes it.